by toddtherocket | Jul 13, 2017 | Journal, Photos
Every day going out to work with my good friend Don Campbell and the band is a good day at work. Over the 13 or so years that we’ve played together, we’ve shared many special moments together on stage. Last night was definitely one of them. Big thanks to...
by toddtherocket | Jun 21, 2013 | Journal, Photos
First Day of Summer! Two gigs today.
by toddtherocket | May 21, 2013 | Journal, Photos
My view from the tour van. Good to be out for a quick trip to Boston!
by toddtherocket | Aug 19, 2012 | Journal, Photos
I’m encouraged when I can meet new people, hear new music, and celebrate new experiences in my adopted hometown of Portland, Maine. I’ve called Maine home for quite a few years now, and one would think that I’ve seen all the sights and done all the...
by toddtherocket | Jun 21, 2012 | Journal
Reporting from Cape Elizabeth today, friends. I’ve been recording for my longtime friend and musical associate Don Campbell, laying down hand percussion and drum set incidentals at my home studio. Now that he has returned to Maine from his winter home of...