by toddtherocket | Feb 12, 2015 | Feature, Gene Speaks: Remembering Gene McDaniels, Journal, Music
Today is the birthday of Gene McDaniels. Eugene Booker McDaniels was born in 1935, which would have made him 80 today. What a fantastic accomplishment that would have been, but it certainly would have been a sweet icing on an already rich cake.
by toddtherocket | Dec 10, 2013 | Journal, Music
I had spent the better part of the previous month saying”December Tenth!” to everyone on Gordon’s campus. Jenny’s cousin Stacey can attest to this. Everyone knew there was some sort of thing going on that night at Lane, aka the student center...
by toddtherocket | May 14, 2013 | Music, News
Miss Fairchild’s excellent record “Show Band” hits the digital stores today. The limited-edition CD run was put together as a special partnership with my hometown brewery, Cisco Brewers. And now, the whole world gets to check it out! I played...
by toddtherocket | Sep 6, 2010 | Music, News
I’m thrilled that my friend Sumner McKane has a new online store for his recordings, and he has included our work from last year, Nanook. The score for the silent film “Nanook of the North” was written in 4 weeks in 2009, and refined over a limited...